Applications in 2012 were received from across 6 desert language groups/regions. These regions are Arrente (Surrounding Alice Springs, NT), Luritja/Pintupi (Western Desert, NT), Kaytetye (Barkly, NT), Pitjantjatjara (APY Lands, SA), Ngaanyatjarra (NG Lands, WA), Warlpiri (Warlpiri Lands, NT). The standard of applications showed a continuing growth in professionalism in remote desert music. BBB is a critical step in the development of Indigenous bands and the music sector of Central Australia.
Bands: The Sandridge Band (Boroloola, NT), Southeast Desert Metal (Santa Teresa, NT), Desert Mulga (Nyirripi, NT), Irrunytju Band (Irrunytju, WA), Sunshine Reggae (Haasts Bluff, NT), Central Reggae Band (Fregon, SA). This year’s concert will also feature Tjupi Band (Papunya) and Blackstone Band (Blackstone W.A.) as the first gig of the Sandtracks Tour.